Long cases for medical students The multistep cases cover a broad range of common but more serious presentations to the pediatric emergency room. Nov 27, 2024 · Welcome to the NEW Medical Residents and Fellows Library Guide! If you need something listed in the former Medical Residents and Fellows Guide, please contact ASK MSL. Jan 10, 2011 • 5 likes • 6,595 views. He is a long term smoker, with a family history of ‘cancer' and is very anxious that he may have lung cancer. The format includes the history, examination, summary, list of problems and management. Students could perform better in OSCE. 4 However, some Nov 9, 2021 · Practice clinical case scenario for medical, nursing, and healthcare students, as well as USMLE, NCLEX, board exam preparation and studies. After collecting the data, you must then be able both to document it in a written format and transmit it clearly to other health care providers. In the last few decades, there has been an exponential Questions and answers are provided at the end of each case. Oct 21, 2016 · Background The evidence for the positive impact of an electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) on feedback in medicine is mixed. com Dec 18, 2014 · Long case are notoriously known for causing casualty when they go wrong. We hope they will Aug 7, 2020 · Students had concerns about inter-case variability, but there was general consensus that the long case was valuable, with allocation of marks being an important motivator for students. Dr D Amudan MS (General Surgery) Assistant Professor Online Pediatric textbook, covering many pediatric problems. The long case. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of medical students and faculty of the impact of the l case examination (SCCE) with the aim to develop the best possible evaluation method for clinical competencies of undergraduate medical students. We see many medical students starting to take histories cutting the patient off. Each case is manned by 1 lecturer, meaning there are 2 lecturers in each station. As a formative assessment, the purpose is to offer feedback on performance, aiming to enhance and expedite clinical learning. 10 Wilkinson et al11 estimated that at least five or six 85-minute long cases (60 min with the patient and It covers important areas of clinical medicine in a question-based format and highlights classical scenarios. Aug 7, 2020 · PDF | Background: The long case is a traditional method of clinical assessment which has fallen out of favour in certain contexts, primarily due to | Find, read and cite all the research you chapters then long cases presentation. The first two are observed by a single examiner and are worth 15% each. 2 3 Resistance to the use of the long case as an examination tool is predicated on its poor inter-case reliability—unless a large number of cases are offered. The Formula is – Practice , Practice and Practice : keep examination videos in cellphones. A lot of students join "groups". Calibrate formative assessments for Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Radiology drive self-directed learning in clinical students, helping them build higher order thinking and problem solving skills, and provides a common tool and objective data to align students and faculty and leverage mid-clerkship feedback. The genuine article Students viewed the long case as an authentic task and contributed many specific examples of the ways in which long cases would assist them during internship, including at patient handover, during preadmission clinic, and when admitting new patients from the Emergency Department, which was described as “just doing a mini Jun 6, 2010 · 1. The entire text and questions and answers are downloadable to a computer or PDA. Apr 1, 2014 · Containing 50 cases, this review text helps UK medical students review clinical examination and presentation skills and prepare for the long case objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) using role play with simulated patients. Examining students' experiences and perceptions of the long case examination at an Australasian dental school concludes that alternative structures or practices that might be explored include greater calibration of examiners and cases, and enhancements to how students are prepared for and prepare for the examination. This way of examining students would be far more rounded than the hotchpotch of questions that are asked in the long case. They often serve as medical or even undergraduate students’ first experience with medical writing and they provide a solid foundation for manuscript preparation and publication. This cross-sectional study was done during the internal ward ending examination of 3rd-year clinical The cases are grouped into broad categories with random ordering of cases within each category to mimic the way cases present in clinical practice. Methodology: A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don't necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. Walker; Marsha Morgan and published by CRC Press. Learning through cases helps students to master several skills and deepen their under-standing by applying theoretical knowledge. The competence in one long case does not indicate a candidate’s ability across a range of other cases and clinical situations. Case scenarios also stimulate students' thinking to interpret the history Sep 29, 2023 · To determine whether medical students' performances in a long-case assessment in one of four disciplines (internal medicine, pediatrics, reproductive medicine, or surgery) could predict later May 26, 2023 · 250 clinical cases in print – provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant topics; Conversational and accessible style – suitable for medical students; Based on the latest evidence – provides an ideal quick reference guide ‘Ward round’ type question and answer section - ideal for exam preparation The major themes that emerged with more subcategories were poor history taking and poor examination while updated knowledge, rationalization, and enhancement of presentation skills were also highlighted in long cases. This guide will help you in: Creating Journal Clubs; Preparing for Poster Sessions; Providing Support in Communicating Research; Accessing Resources and Tools Apr 29, 2022 · Interactive Cases for Medical Students Access, Risk Factors, and Ophthalmic Health Disparities. COM. Mohd The LITFL Clinical Case Collection includes over 250 Q&A style clinical cases to assist ‘Just-in-Time Learning‘ and ‘Life-Long Learning‘. Conclusions: This study offers a unique focus on the traditional long case's educational consequences; the extent of its positive impact would support its place Jul 8, 2020 · Hope it would be of help in a way for medical students. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Long Case OSCE are 9781000466980, 1000466981 and the print ISBNs are 9781908911575, 1908911573. The author must be congratulated for his efforts to present this book to the medical students which provides them uptodate guidance with personal and individual emphasis on the preparation for clinical examination. I wish Dr Rajamahendran all the success. BMJ 2002; 324:748-9. Case reports are a relatively easy way of getting your name published in a peer reviewed journal. PedsCases uses various learning modalities to teach pediatric knowledge for medical students in training. 1,300+ OSCE Stations Integrative Cases for Preclinical Medical Students Unfortunately, many efforts fail to sustain long-term changes in the medical student curriculum,7 al- This chapter presents a case of a 55-year-old male who presents to his general practitioner with a history of cough productive of sputum, on and off for the past few months. Sep 16, 2014 · 3. It This article reviews the current status of the long case, appraising its strengths and weaknesses as an assessment tool. Issues: There is a conflict between validity and reliability. A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. | Find, read and cite all the research you need MCW Ophthalmic Case Studies For Medical Students This is a collection of case studies to help you get an insight on the typical history and initial examination of various ophthalmic disorders. It is more commonly given in Pediatrics than in Medicine. Apr 3, 2012 · It covers important areas of clinical medicine in a question based format and highlights classical scenarios. The major suggestions to improve the flaws of the long case were to focus on these weak areas. biomedcentral. In this interactive case you will This article reviews the current status of the long case, appraising its strengths and weaknesses as an assessment tool. As well as supporting the existing literature, this study identified new themes regarding medical students’ views on the long case, namely difficulties conducting a long case and importance of feedback. Acad Emerg Med. Everyone gets their name on it. Jan 11, 2011 · Long Case for Medical Student - Download as a PDF or view online for free Submit Search. 100 Cases. Though particularly useful to students sitting their final clinical exams, it will also be of interest to more junior students, particularly those who face Feb 18, 2012 · Short Notes for Medical Students for the Final MBBS Examination. In fact, I am quite impressed by the insights into your vault. com The thirty-six cases presented in this volume are the pedagogic result of the author's years working in a pediatrics medical setting. blogspot. Link – CLICK HERE; Long Case Lecture (2014): Long Case Examination Download; Communications Skills. These cases include s Each students will be assigned to a station with 2 cases. May 31, 2013 · Over a two year period (2011 to 2012), senior medical students assessed and gave feedback to their peers alongside academic examiners during formative long case clinical examinations. This book is intended to help medical students with their preparations for medical short case examinations, and through this process enhance the depth and breadth of their knowledge of clinical medicine as well as their clinical skills. Hemophilia is one of the commonest long case topics. May 1, 2019 · An ePortfolio for medical long cases in a Graduate Medical Program was developed. As my semester and part-time work restrains from long online courses on how to improve the obsidian workflow, I offer you 20$ /h if you show me how you created this vault! May 27, 2022 · The feedback that we received from medical students was overwhelmingly positive, and rates of satisfaction reported among our students (90%) were similar to those described in other studies utilizing a virtual format. Methodology: A new assessment method SCCE based on principles of (1) direct observation, (2) objectivity, and (3) structured format was developed. Jan 1, 2009 · Learning medical professionalism is a challenging, evolving, and life-long endeavor. These cases include scenarios that aim to help students improve such skills as evaluating clinical presentations, formulating differential diagnoses, determining appropriate work-ups and interpreting their results, and producing working diagnoses and Aug 7, 2021 · We uploaded MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) Case Scenarios First Year, Second Year, Third Year & Final Year Students. The discussion, although brief, is intended to give you a simple overview of each disease. OSCEACE. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has been found to be more reliable. Nov 18, 2015 · This document provides guidance on possible long cases for final year medical students to present, including examples of acute and chronic pediatric problems. Actually Long case determine whether a student passes or not in a PG exam. SARKER,2017 Short and Long Cases in Clinical Medicine Nath Harendra Sarker,2016-07-30 SECTION 1: SHORT CASES Case 1: Respiratory System Case 2: Cardiovascular System Case 3: Abdomen Case 4: Neurology Case 5: Ophthalmology Case 6: Jul 27, 2010 · Abstract This learning module features a series of pediatric emergency medicine cases for medical students. Rating scales, open ended questions and focus group discussions were used to evaluate student perceptions. Aim: To compare OSCE and traditional method of assessment in the summative assessment of final-year medical students. Jun 5, 2024 · Introduction The long case is used to assess medical students’ proficiency in performing clinical tasks. Incredible work! I am a freshman medical student who discovered the potential of obsidian two months ago. Oct 21, 2016 · The evidence for the positive impact of an electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) on feedback in medicine is mixed. Jan 1, 2016 · The long case examination as clinical assessment systems is used in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in many parts of the world. The topics include status MS3 - These are chapters designated as the curriculum content for the third year medical student pediatrics clerkship. 14,15 Students applauded the accessibility and flexibility of the virtual patient cases, similar to the advantages of virtual Although these cases were designed for, and used by, first-year medical students as part of the first-year Renal, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems course at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, they are also suitable for more advanced students seeking to strengthen and revisit basic science knowledge in clinical contexts. It may be used as a guide to assist trainees who are learning clinical medicine and preparing for their clinical rotations. The long case assesses an integrated clinical reaction between doctor and real patients and has high face validity. jacknaimsnotes. H. However, in tertiary care teaching hospitals, it's crucial to ensure proper design and implementation of this practice to enable students' exposure to a variety of cases. Aug 8, 2021 · MBBS Last 10 Years 2009-2019 Question Papers (1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year And 4th Year) MBBS Lecture Notes; JNTU Question Papers & Lecture Notes A questionnaire was designed asking respondents about awareness of the various methods of oral long case clinical presentation (formal, walk-through round and clinic new case) and about knowledge of the content and when to use the compartmentalized method or the 5Cs method of formal clinical long case oral presentation. Cases are categorized by specialty and can be interrogated by keyword from the Clinical Case searchable database. Medical schools have traditionally assessed medical students using long and short cases. History & Physical: A 61-year-old Hispanic man presents to the emergency department complaining of a nonproductive cough that worsens at night as well as chest pain; both symptoms have persisted for 2 weeks. Medical students do not have many formal The Long Case OSCE: The Ultimate Guide for Medical Students 1st Edition is written by Beth C. 3 This method of assessment was originally developed in order to address the unreliability and lack of generalisability of traditional forms of medical students should know. Although there are numerous variations on the long case Oct 28, 2011 · etc. I tell all the incoming M1s and pre med students that I interact with that closed mouths don’t get fed and to just reach out to people. Breaking Bad News: Demonstration Video – CLICK HERE; History Taking Tips. A Long Case is a form of clinical examination where an undergraduate student, trainee or junior professional discusses a specific case with a senior professional. In this blog post, we are going to share a free PDF download of ABM Abdullah Long Cases in Clinical Medicine PDF using direct links. Adequate and effective supervision and feedback cr … Case reports are written with the goal of sharing information for medical, scientific, or educational purposes. Long cases in general surgery include complete study material for medical students. I’m hearing discouraging things that most medical students have a low chance of being authors on research papers, and that the better option is to get published via case reports. Oct 6, 2020 · PDF | Clinics-social case manual for third year medical students studying Community Medicine, focussing on Recommendations and Viva-voce questions. The cases review and outline common medical problems that arise in this population and provide the student with a general approach to Long Cases Examinations. First chapter discusses inguinal hernia, which is an abnormal protrusion of a part or whole of the viscus through a normal or abnormal opening through the wall of the cavity that contains it. The cases are focused on the topics of neonatal jaundice, vomiting in an infant, and copious secretions Feb 1, 2012 · Results: Marks obtained by the students were higher in OSCE than long case method of assessment. Peds Radiographs. Following on from the name, Long Cases typically last for at least 20 minutes per scenario and can last for any duration that is deemed appropriate for specific cases. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include Abstract This resource is a learning module featuring three multistep cases covering common neonatal presentations that medical students may encounter. In order to ensure that user-safety is not compromised and you enjoy faster downloads, we have used trusted 3rd-party repository links that are not hosted on our website. References: 1)Norman G: The long case versus objective structured clinical examinations. Methods In total, 130 Year 3 medical students May 5, 2008 · The long case assesses a student’s overall ability to carry out a medical interview, appraise and synthesise findings, and plan and decide on a course of action. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of medical students and faculty of the impact of the ePortfolio on the feedback process. You may get 1 CVS and 1 GIT, 1 Respi and 1 GIT, 1 Neuro and 1 Miscellaneous etc. 7 projects get completed in 3-4 months. Only 4 out of 25 students scored 60% or above by long case student to learn. Any words of wisdom are appreciated. Long Case for Medical Student. Oct 6, 2013 · A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. 2008 Jul;15(7):683-7. Formative Assessment Tools build Self-Directed Learners. Professionalism in Medicine: A Case-Based Guide for Medical Students helps begin this process by engaging First described in 1979 2, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) have become one of the most widely used methods of assessing aspects of clinical competency in healthcare education. May 10, 2017 · Although these cases were designed for, and used by, first-year medical students as part of the first-year Renal, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems course at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, they are also suitable for more advanced students seeking to strengthen and revisit basic science knowledge in clinical contexts. the first part is where the candidate spends 60 minutes with a patient, effectively taking a history and examination (analogous to the initial consultation). Medisense Casebank, hundreds of free long cases online. Save up to 80% versus print by going digital with VitalSource. Cases depends on your luck. Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Many medical case studies involve collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as specialists, nurses, or pharmacists. Adopting a proven, highly 250 CT cases covering traumatic and non-traumatic brain, head and neck, and spine CT imaging. Organisations responsible for high stakes testing are increasingly abandoning the long case or using it only in combination with other forms of assessment. current final year long case assessment at our institution involves three long cases spread over four months. 8,9 The inability to assess candidate competence through a single case has been termed ‘case specificity’. FINALS OSCEs. 2)Wass V, Jones R, Van der Vleuten CPM. If you are at a school with reasonable research output there are probably more case reports than you can handle. APR 29, 2022 By Anju Goyal, MD. Miscelaneoues here means Rheumato and Endocrine mostly. It brings factual knowledge to what they face in practice. This is a must buy for any undergraduate medical student!!! The book is a must during the period that the young doctor or student is on the wards. The time commitment is VERY minimal when compared with the majority of semester/summer long projects that students usually complete. Dec 19, 2024 · The collection features the complete collection of basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases from 23 Case Files series books (such as anatomy, pharmacology, emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, ob/gyn, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery), and the personalized functionality to let users mark their Feb 2, 2010 · Abstract This learning module features three cases that outline an approach to adolescent medicine for medical students. Groups include maybe 2 head honchos, 8 residents, and 6 medical students. This book includes seven chapters. LONG CASES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE. In order to do this successfully, you need to understand the patient’s medical illnesses, the psychosocial contributions The long case can be improved by increasing the number of encounters, examiners, or aspects of a competence assessed. See full list on bmcmededuc. An ePortfolio for medical long cases in a Graduate Medical Program was developed. MS3 - These are chapters designated as the curriculum content for the third year medical student pediatrics clerkship. . Presented in a case based format with questions and answers at the end of each chapter. It is medical reporting which is terse and rapidly moving. Of special interest to medical students, Davenport and colleagues also made a great supplement to help medical students master the art of oral case presentation in ED. It is an over all assessment of your combined knowlege, hardwork, practice, skill, intelligence and accuracy. 2009/2010 2009 Long Case Examination for Phase III Medical Students (Obstetric Cases) List and Answer to Commonly Asked Questions by Lecturers Muhamad Na’im B Ab Razak University Science Malaysia jacknaim@gmail. Everyone breaks up into teams of 2-3 to work on different projects. The examination is criterion referenced, with students having to have an average mark of >50% to A collection of interactive medical and surgical OSCE cases (clinical case scenarios) to put your history, examination, investigation, diagnostic and management skills to the test. Jun 5, 2024 · The long case offers students exposure to real patients in a clinical setting. By tackling these complex cases, clinicians develop problem-solving skills, learn to navigate uncertainty, and become adept at managing complex patient presentations. An Example of a Long Case Presentation: Narrative Case Presentation for Clinical Examinations Incorporating the BESD, APP D/D and 5S Schemes. This book is the ultimate guide for medical students needing to combine their knowledge and skills with an ability to interpret the clinical findings, the proficiency to present them clearly and the confidence to deal with the examiners questions. Short and Long Cases in Clinical Medicine Nath Harendra Sarker,2016-07-30 SECTION 1: SHORT CASES Case 1: Respiratory System Case 2: Cardiovascular System Case 3: Abdomen Case 4: Neurology Case 5: Ophthalmology Case 6: Endocrine System Case 7: Locomotor System Case 8: Skin SECTION 2: LONG CASES Case 9: Abdominal Swelling (Ascites-- A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. This is a must buy for any undergraduate medical student!!!''The book is a must during the period that the young doctor or student is on the wards. Courtsey: Dr Binit Kharel, Dr Nischal Maskey, Dr Arif Mohd. We have written this book with both clinicians and medical students in mind, with cases varying in complexity, to reinforce common or important subject areas. In terms of the RACP examinations, the long case consists of three parts. Z. Format of Surgery Long Cases Labels: Long Case, Surgery, Template. The questions raised are classical of examiners in the long and short case examinations. They have tons of stuff they need written up but don’t have the time to do so. N. top of page. A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don't necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. com www. The long case stands out as one of the primary formative assessment methods for clinical clerkship in low-resource settings but has received little attention in Jun 30, 2022 · Comparison of standardized, structured clinical case examination and traditional long-case examination for assessment of final-year medical students: a non-randomized control trial June 2022 The use of standardized patients, also known as simulated patients, programmed patients, surrogate patients, professional patients and patient instructors, has proven to be such an effective tool for teaching and assessing medical students that the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) has added a clinical-skills assessment that Jun 24, 2015 · The long case is an art that needs mastering. Standardized or real patients to test clinical competence? The long A collection of interactive medical and surgical OSCE cases (clinical case scenarios) to put your history, examination, investigation, diagnostic and management skills to the test. MS4 - These chapters contain additional information that should be acquired by fourth year medical students destined for pediatrics residency. 1,300+ OSCE Stations Jun 9, 2021 · A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. MBBS LECTURE NOTES FOR ALL SUBJECTS (UPDATED FOR 2021 SYLLABUS) – ALL UNIVERSITIES Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) MBBS Last 10 year Question Papers 2011- 2021 Download Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) MBBS Last 10 year Question A solid knowledge base and good clinical skills don’t necessarily guarantee examination success in the long case OSCE. The thirty-six cases presented in this volume are the pedagogic result of the author’s years working in a pediatrics medical setting. The sole purpose of PedsCases is to help medical students (herein referred to as 'users') learn about pediatrics. Feb 6, 2014 · Here is our guide to basic presentation skills for a long case: We recommend giving a basic 30 second overview including a ‘social snapshot’, most important presenting complaint and relevant past medical history of the patient: Introduce yourself as a medical student who would like to present a summary of a patient history Nov 3, 2020 · The 3-minute emergency medicine medical student presentation: a variation on a theme. The third long case is worth 70% and is assessed by two examiners. Low urine output case study with questions and answers. 10 minutes for each cases. May 27, 2022 · The feedback that we received from medical students was overwhelmingly positive, and rates of satisfaction reported among our students (90%) were similar to those described in other studies utilizing a virtual format. Intercase reliability is the prime problem. com is a free osce casebank, designed to provide medical students with access to high quality resources. 14,15 Students applauded the accessibility and flexibility of the virtual patient cases, similar to the advantages of virtual Dec 1, 2004 · Students had concerns about inter-case variability, but there was general consensus that the long case was valuable, with allocation of marks being an important motivator for students. You're looking at about maybe 1-2 weeks of actual work time if your research director gets back to you promptly. These skills are vital to the candidate’s future life as a physician. Issues There is a conflict between validity and reliability. Long case mastery will not only help candidates to pass the examination but will also equip the trainee with the skills and expertise to handle any complicated medical case. 5. 372 Medical Students osceace. Step-by-step report of the case presentation, diagnostic work up, differential diagnosis, management, and treatment. Saturday, February 18, 2012. Don’t do this. First, a proper history should be taken. Epigastric pain case study with questions and answers - for doctors and medical students exams, finals and OSCEs. vcpov mdw eyge ywbg pglu gqdi olcmg vmaf ketire ophvj